Monday, November 26, 2007

I'll be missing you on Christmas

So I'm sitting in my bed, all cozy in my hotel room in Ireland. Feeling the Christmas spirit I decided now would be a great time to start working on my Christmas letter, and I have already wasted enough time on the internet. I am listening to yahoo launch cast music. And something suspicious comes on. Something that sounds a lot like my Christmases of junior high.
Yep. It was from these guys:

"I'll be missing you on Christmas". There's really nothing like the high notes of Joey McIntyre's pre-pubescent voice singing the sweet cadences of love lost at Christmastime (yeah, I still know his full name, what of it?)


Unknown said...

Wow, that last part was just like poetry. Yeah, I saw them on Ellen, it's the first time I have ever seen them, I missed that whole big phase. I don't think they are very good. It makes me want to have an old bugger, like on Love Actually, start giving them competition by singing "If you really love Christmas, come on and let it snow...."

Maigen said...

Yeah, Joey McIntyre (sp?) was my favorite. I actually made, and lost, a-hem, a bet with my aunt one year that I would still love NKOTB the next year. Sadly, I lost the bet, adolescent love being so fickle, and to this day owe her $50... unless she was compounding interest. Let's just keep this to ourselves, shall we?

Alicia said...

Your Christmas letter? Really? Who are you going to send your Christmas letter to? And by the way, I have heard them sing Christmas stuff on my music account. It's precious.