Friday, November 2, 2007

I don't need glass slippers, I just want some freakin' boots!

so um, i woke up at 7 am today. and actually got up. it was a total switch from 2 pm yesterday, where i was a lazy sloth. but at least i have jet lag for an excuse. anyway, i immediately turned on my computer in red-hot pursuit of beautiful flat leather boots like the ones that had been in all the window displays in every store in Switzerland. Ha! Apparently my hopes were too high. Because all they make for Amazon women like me are horrendous items like these:

or these:

when what I really want is these:

or these:

Actually, these are not exactly what I want, but the ones I want are in SWITZERLAND. And ITALY. And actual stores. Not online. But at least these are closer. And like so many times before, I was in a rage that is only reserved for George Bush and shoe shopping. And somehow I happened upon a website and found myself emailing someone who makes hand-makes shoes for cross-dressers. Yeah, that's right. Chandler's dad had to go somewhere. You know, this is a market I may have to look into. Ah, the sad similarities...


Maigen said...

Ummm... I actually really like that top pair. You should get them! And the last pair is cute, too.

Unknown said...

man....I disagree, I don't like any of these, but maybe it is because I saw the actually ones you were craving in der Switz.

hmmm, crossing dressing boots, I just haven't seen a lot of transvestites (is that how you spell that?) with the best taste, but maybe I haven't hung out in Chelsea for awhile.

Chelle said...

Maybe you misunderstand. I'm not going to BECOME a crossdresser, just get someone who happens to make them boots, make ME boots. I still plan on being and looking like my fabulous self, only better, because of the boots.

And yes, the Swiss boots are much better than anything I have seen in America. Just like the men.

Maigen said...

You can just hop over there and get you some, can't you? Bring me back some, too, and a man while you're at it!

Maigen said...

Try, or maybe even
Anthro has some really cute flat boots in their new catalogue.

Chelle said...

No, you don't understand, my feet are TOO DAMN BIG!! Even in Switzerland I couldn't find shoes. I have looked at every internet site I can find! They have no flat boots in my size! I just looked at anthro and urban outfitters (love the stores) but they only go up to a 10. :(