on the floor by the lavatory. Yeah, that's right. Cause normally MY teeth fall right out of my mouth during a flight. I made an announcement.
"Ladies and gentlemen, if you have lost a "dental device," please notify a flight attendant, thank you."
I figured saying dental device might be less likely to embarrass the toothless person. That or confuse them. No one contacted us. We walked up and down the aisle, nonchalantly looking for people who looked like they might be missing their bottom teeth. The guy I was working with SWORE it was row 25. One girl even woke up a lady who was doing some suspicious sleep-chomping and asked if it was her, but she had most of her teeth, so no, not her. I made the same announcement right before landing. For once the annoying dinging of call bells was silent. So one of the flight attendants put on rubber gloves, put it in a plastic baggie and walked the dentures up the aisle. He got some looks, but no takers. By now it was a joke. I sat them beside me during deplaning. Lots of looks. But no one wanted them. The ground crew in Glasgow took turns shoving them in each others faces. Good times.