Monday, October 13, 2008

Yes, I take pictures of pigs

Apparently I am doing ridiculous tags these days. This is a tag from Maigen, in which I was supposed to go to my fourth folder and post the fourth picture.

This is at Bunratty Castle in Ireland, in the summer of 2006. It was a realistic castle, complete with pigs. Why do I take these kind of pictures?


Maigen said...

I like it!

Alisa said...

I like it too. Cute pigs!

Tacy said...

nice framing of the pigs. color, composition.

its are really good shot, but i think its too bad your fourth picture in your fourth folder wasnt a lopsided blurry view of the horizon that was accidentally snapped by your elbow while walking up the hill to the castle. . .

though i like the pigs, i wonder what marvels you could espouse from an odd shot like that one. = )