Monday, October 27, 2008

Badly dressed in Milan

I went to Milan a couple days ago. Milan is a capitol of fashion. Usually I can do okay in this area, even if, tragically, I don't wear Prada and Gucci and look like this:

But on the day I went I was out of laundry. You know those times in your life when all you have are your ugly jeans, and shirts you don't really like, faded socks, and your least favorite underwear? That might be an okay time to run a few errands, go to the grocery store, etc. It was not the best time to walk around Milan. I felt like a big big dork. Like it was obvious that I was American and not a very well-dressed one.

I liked Milan though. Since my camera got stolen in Buenos Aires, I feel very naked when walking around beautiful places. I feel like if I don't have pictures of somewhere, then maybe I wasn't really there. I went to the Duomo, which I really didn't know anything about. It breath-taking. If I would have taken a picture, it would have looked like this:


Maigen said...

You lucky, lucky girl! (Sucks about your laundry, though!)

Chelle said...

I know, I am lucky to get to go to these places. If it helps, I thought of you Maigen, several times while I was there. :)

Jessica Steed said...

That's funny.
I have to say, I think those girls are pretty badly dressed.
You are almost always well dressed (except in your airline uniform, but hey, what can you do?)

Cindy said...

Hey Chelle-Just wanted you to know that I live vicariously through you every time you post. I went to lunch with Mindie and Tanya yesterday and they said that they found you on facebook. I'll have to try that out someday...but for now thanks for keeping my mind alive with your amazing adventures! Cindy

Chelle said...

Cindy! Thanks for commenting. Sometimes I don't know who looks at this unless they leave a comment. I'm so jealous about the lunch, we will have to do one when I come into town!

And Jess, thanks, you are too kind, if in fact, wrong, about my clothes at least on this day.