Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Words I hate

There are some words that I really hate. Mostly because they just don't seem to make any sense. They sound like they are covering up something, and I prefer just saying what you really mean. In recent discussions over the past few weeks, I have heard all these terms used, and I would like to see them NOT. USED. EVER. If you have just used any of these words, I still love you, I am just making fun of you, a little.

-expecting (as in a child) but couldn't you just as likely be expecting a surprise or a dog, or a birthday present

-pet-pet what? a dog? a cat? let's not use this to describe something that happens between two people

-neck-what does this even mean?!? every time I hear it I think of two people neck to neck, nuzzling, in the silliest way.

-courting-I think this is pretty much an eighteenth or ninetieth century word. I think the term now is DATING.

I'm sure there are more words I hate that I'm forgetting. What are your least favorite words? What words do you prefer in their place?


Unknown said...

Hey I resent the petting comment! I learned it in High School and I will continue to use it....urh, unless I knew it would be used against me!

I hate the words loin, hoodie, and shasta.

Maigen said...

Ha ha, I actually wrote a response to this a while back on Alicia's blog, so I just copied and pasted. Here goes:
We actually had a cheer about it in college. You know, about words that aren't bad but should be?
It went:
With arm movements and everything.
I like the words conundrum, espionage, finite, and endive. I hate the words facetious, aroma, and tasty.

Chelle said...

ooh, yes! Facetious is a really bad one! I hate that word.

Lyman said...

moist. moist towelette.i HATE the word moist.