Thursday, January 29, 2009

a little peace and quiet

Is it too much to ask to have silence on the subway in the morning? The kind of ride where us snobby New Yorkers don't look at each other, and definitely don't talk to each other?
Because today's subway ride started out with a guy yelling crazy rants at people-something about finding religion and how we were all going to hell. When I changed trains, I was lucky enough to get on the one with a Mexican mariachi singer, and not a very good one at that. He got off, and I thought things were looking up, but then there was this "filmmaker" selling his animated movies for a dollar. And yelling about it at the top of his lungs. 

My ears are still ringing from having my iPod turned up full volume.


Unknown said...

It's awesome when they scream it in your face too! Man oh man. Remember the guy who fell asleep?? That time WE were the ones being too loud laughing at him. He was crazy!!!!

Sharoncalling said...

Right, and then there was the time recently when I stepped into the 4 train going down town late at night and was accosted with the most disgusting human smell I have ever smelled. Another girl walked in right behind me. The car appeared semi desserted. The doors shut behind me. I couldn't help but exclaim, "Aach! What is that!!?" The girl and I had eye contact. The way strangers bond in extreme situations. Then I saw this man sitting in the corner with bags and clothes that probably hadn't been changed for at least a year. We had eye contact too. . .and i felt really bad about my comment. The other girl changed cars immediately through the door connecting the cars.

Because of my eye contact with the man I felt an irrational obligation to stay in the car and pretend I didn't smell it (why do I do that?). I waited until the next stop and hurried out. Then jumped right back into the next car. I should have just done what the other girl did instead playing ridiculous games not to hurt this man's feelings. It backfired anyway because his final stop was Fulton st. too and he ended up right behind me! What are the odds. . . I hurried off as fast as my legs could carry me, feeling foolish. I should have just followed that girl right through those connecting car doors.

The memory of that smell still remains. I didn't know humans could smell so bad.

Tragic humanity.