Sunday, April 6, 2008


Online dating has to be one of the FUNNIEST things you can possibly do with your life. A guy messaged me today and wants me to guess what breed his horses are. How is a girl living in NYC supposed to do that? He lives on a farm, and likes to read by the fireplace (apparently that is the only place), and cannot spell. I would go on, there is much more fun to be had, but will stop because the reason why I am not able to find anyone to date may be related to my ability to pick apart their profiles in aforementioned manner.

I'm sorry, I can't resist. He has 17 dogs. Even for a girl who LOVES dogs, that is a LOT.


Maigen said...

You should guess that they are the "my little pony" breed. You know, pink, lavendar, with hearts, stars, and glittery manes.

Unknown said...

Will you please forward me the email?

Gustav said...

Online dating is a bit of an unknown for me chelle and thus your postings are interesting.

The good thing about blogs are that they are a good way to gain insight into a person's interests, values, sense of humour, and what they are about without too many other agendas.

Online dating is an umknown to someone like myself who finds himself single after being with one person for nearly a decade.

I look forward to your posts on this topic and reckon you should not overlook the man who loves horses or dogs (even if he has 17).

Have a wonderful day chelle.

Gustav said...

I should add that I have tried putting my profile on a couple of sites but it hasn't gone anywhere in terms of meeting anyone.

Thanks for any recommendations and insights (such as don't make spelling mistakes in your profile).

Maigen said...

Michelle, I think you should date that Gustav guy.

Lyman said...

haha. oh michelle, i love this post so much. i miss you. i loved being roommates.

i want to plan a weekend to come up and see you this summerish. we've got to figure it out.

looks like you're doing well!