Monday, March 10, 2008

this is the grandma who wants me to pry out her gold teeth when she is in her coffin

I was visiting with my grandma this past weekend. we had an interesting conversation, as we always do, and i thought i would share a few tidbits:

If times ever get REALLY hard, she plans to shoot the deer in the backyard. Apparently she doesn't even need to use a gun, because she knows a few people with bows and arrows (who are THOSE people?) I guess there is some sort of precedent for this in my family, as my great grandfather did this during the depression (killed deer out of season and ate it, though not with a bow and arrow, I assume). The famous "Uncle Sam's mutton" story, for any of you related to me...

Also along the "if times ever get REALLY hard" vein, Grandma is fresh off her first escargo experience, and figures she could duplicate it in her own yard. So she says if they ever don't have enough to eat, she will just round up some snails and cook them. Now Grandma and Grandpa have plenty of food and money, but she says "you never know."

Somehow the conversation went to politics, and the Clintons were brought up. I was saying something positive about Bill Clinton, and then my Grandpa, bless his heart, piped in about how we sure don't need Bill Clinton's wife in office. I started laughing, because he obviously hadn't been listening to anything I had been saying. My grandma knows my political views. My grandpa does not. So she says to him "don't talk to her about that. She's your enemy." Enemy? Wow. I'm now enemies with my grandpa. I didn't know that. I told her maybe that was a bit extreme. Maybe my grandpa and I don't have to be ENEMIES.

Yeah, my grandma is hilarious. She is one of a kind.


Maigen said...

Reminds me of a break-up (and I use THAT term very loosely) I had once where I said something like "I don't have enemies" (HE used that word first, I'll have you know, but I don't remember how or why), and he said "you do now," and hung up.
Enemies... :) What are we, 12?

Unknown said...

I am one of those people with the bow and arrow....know anyone you could set me up on a date with?

Chelle said...

um, d'arcy, are you trying to match your dates with the kind of weaponry you share? i don't remember moving a bow and arrow.

Jessawhy said...

This story is even funnier than the part you told me.
Grandma is so funny and quirky.
I think she would make excellent
es cargo.