Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Day for Darfur

Today I did something quite out of the ordinary, starting out by rising at 6:00 am. I then met a couple of people from church and handed out fliers about an interfaith vigil for a Day for Darfur on Wednesday. http://www.wayofpeace.org/Darfur/Day%20for%20Darfur.html
Wow. Handing out fliers is TOUGH! I stood at the a corner where the subway comes out and said "Day for Darfur" in as many different intonations as I could think of. Some people took fliers, others said "no thanks." Well, actually, you don't get to choose, what's happening in Darfur is happening whether you like it or not. The goal is to stop all the horrible things from happening. But in general, at least people were pretty nice, and now I will probably start taking fliers from random people, cause I know how they feel. I also learned, (and I shouldn't even mention this, as it is way less important than the Darfur situation or anything else in the vicinity), but that a remarkably high number of attractive businessmen are out and about on the East side early in the morning. Hmmm...

Things I saw in Central Park Today:

A man walking four LARGE dogs

A couple making out for a good hour and a half.

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