Sunday, April 6, 2008

And den? And den? And den?

I really really hope the pizza I just ordered makes it to my house. I gave my address AND phone number to the lady, I AM NOT KIDDING YOU, 10 times! And instead of saying the name of the street where I live (which sounds like where nuns stay), she kept saying "Convict Avenue." It is a fairly well-known street in the area, or so I thought. No lady, I do not live on CONVICT avenue. I thought we had everything straightened out, then she calls me back to get my address again, then passes the phone to another lady, who asks me what my phone number is. If you just called me, don't you already HAVE my phone number?


Maigen said...

Rad!!! Sounds like they are pranksters. I miss you! Let's chat this weekend please!!

Alisa said...

I think it must be so therapeutic to have a label called "Things I Loathe." I have got a list.

Jessica Steed said...

So funny!
Did you get the pizza?
I hope so. I had pizza tonight. it was awesome.
love and miss you

Chelle said...

Yes, shockingly, the pizza arrived in less than 15 minutes. I don't know how they were able to cook and deliver it to the correct address so quickly! It was delicious!

Unknown said...

This is only ONE of the reasons that i HEART New York! Only four weeks left til I am there again!

Can't wait to hang this weekend. I've got big, plans!